Friday 15 May 2009

The Fire Haig

Well, this old girl is the champion badie of the lot! We spent many a day discussing how people should protect themselves from her kind.

The Fire Haig (Hag?) was a vampire with a fondness for sucking the blood outa babies. She could smell a new-born baby two miles away! No! Make that 10 miles!
Soon after 6 pm, when it got dark, the Fire Haig would change from a respectable old woman into a demon with a penchant for fresh baby's blood.
She would undress and peel off her skin, very much like how you would unzip a banana skin.
She would then fold the skin neatly and put it away into a special chest. Then turning into a fireball, she flew off in search of babies. She had the power to fly anywhere, even under-water if she so desired (wink!)
Off she went on her rounds, sucking here, sucking there until the early hours of the morning. She had to return to her skin before sunrise else she would get sun-burnt and die! And good for shay too! Hope sheh dies!

I'm pleased to say, that there are several ways to defend your baby against this evil blood-sucker!
1) The chalk line. Draw a chalk line across the doorway, she abhors white-lines and can't cross them. Hmm, she might be smart and walk around the line! Best to draw a chalk circle on the floor around the baby' cot as further protection.

2) Handful of white-rice. Now this is a cunning means of defence against Fire Haig. You must place a handful of white, not brown, rice on the floor just under the keyhole of your front door. Did I forget to tell you that the Fire Haig flies through the keyhole of your front door to enter your house? No, sorry then! :-)
Now the Fire Haig under the terms of agreement with the Commitee of Rice Planters is obligated to count every grain of rice and report the count to the Commitee. The happy thing about this, is that the Fire Haig's can't lock her fingers into a cup shape. So as soon as she fills her hand past the width of her palm, the rice grains fall from her hand. She has to start counting all over again.

We hadn't figured out has she escapes from the rice counting task, some says she gets trapped by having to count until the Sun comes out and it kills sheh! Good for her too, man! Serves her right! The old baby sucker!
And a warning to young mothers: "Don't be mean with the white rice man, mek sure you put dong at least two handfuls, Okay?"

Now there are young Guyanese men, who are brave and like challenges. They are the heroes of Guyana. A hero would wait for the Fire Haig to change into a fireball and and fly off. They would then enter her house, plugging up the keyhole on her frontdoor, just in case she forgets sumthin and returns home.
Anyway, they would take out her skin and rub lots of salt into it. Then they would leave the house remembering to take the plug outa dee key hole.
When the Fire Haig returns she tries to put on her skin, but it won't attach to her. She cries out: "Skin, skin, yah nah know meh?"
The hero knows he has done a good job as she has to stay in fireball form. Chances are sunlight will fall upon her an kill the damn bitch!
Unless she manages to get inside her special chest of course.

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